
About Hi-Visibility Calculator

Here is a basic calculator with some extra features for people with visual impairments.

This program is distributed under the GPL v3.0 open source license and may be freely used by anyone. See this link for license details.

Click here to download Hi-Visibility Calculator for Windows

(works on XP, Vista, Windows7 and Windows8)

Copyright (C) 2014 Peter G. Bowers

Hi-Visibility features:

  • Large default screen display with easy full-screen option

  • Choice of four high contrast colour combinations, Black on White, White on Black, Black on Yellow and Yellow on Black

  • All controls are accessed with large buttons, no small menus to navigate

  • All functions can be accessed with either the mouse or via keyboard shortcuts

Calculator features:

  • Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide and find Square Root

  • Large, easy-to-read tool tips for all operations

  • Keyboard shortcut commands are outlined in the About menu ( click the ? key or press a)

Shortcut keys:

  • r to find the square root
  • \ to switch the +\- sign
  • c to change colours
  • s to change screen size
  • a for this About screen
  • q to quit
  • esc to clear everything
  • backspace to clear the last entry